Well my trip kicked off not to far from home with a trip up to NYC to visit Trisha! Thats right Aubrey Anne takes on New York in summer, unfortunately without Trisha for the first few days. I have been in the city a few times growing up but it was always winter so I was in for a big treat coming in the summer! I never knew August weather to be so nice until I got here. I mean humidity doesn't exist! The walk around central park is perfect and filled with sun and grass and HAPPY people! (I have a firm belief that the warmer the weather, the nicer the people, thats why the south has some of the nicest around.)
Well I have been doing NYC proud in the past two days. Other than waiting for my luggage for over an hour, having to pay for the subway twice, and breaking the key into Trisha's place I have had a blast. Last night I went to Barnes and Noble and got "The Hunger Games" because Trisha insisted then I sat outside and people watched as I ate dinner. Needing something to do on a Friday night in NYC I went to the bar right by Trisha's place, literally I walk out the door and immediately hand my card to the bouncer! Saturday was also a blast. I slept in (wonderful after all the stress of unpacking and packing) and ate my leftover dinner for an early lunch then walked to central park. Well actually I looked at the map then came out of the apartment and thought Central park is either left or right.... only decision of the day, and I failed! It was still nice, I got to walk by the water for a bit and then headed back the other way. I sat in Central park and people watched and read, then I wondered arou
nd to another spot and read. It was wonderful! I had never seen the uptown side of central park. I've always done the times square and then plaza area of central park so it was a real treat! Other than the trying to walk down central park and 30 minutes later come exactly back where I started!
I also had another big surprise. Betina, Bea's (Brazilian host mom) sister was in NYC with friends! Well they picked me up outside the park and we rode down to Chinatown to a Chinese place that one friend swore by. So down into a basement we went to have a delicious meal! Betina was questioning it but we all ordered plates and shared some of the best Chinese I have ever had! Of course one friend ordered fried squid (not calamari) with full tentacles and all! I tried it (see how far I have come Mom) as well as the "Pork Chops" which I swear was cat. Then we wondered around times square as Betina and I watched her friends go crazy at every purse stand we came across. Needless to say, I have been enjoying it all!

Things I have learned so far: That joy you get in the winter when you come down to the subway and it is so warm and you can thaw out a little, well its not so joyous in the summer! Also every subway has about 8 exits onto at least three different streets and on either side of the street, so when your getting directions like go left after the subway and then.... you can end up in about 10 different places! You can get 5 t-shirts for $10! Best deal ever! And finally, having access to a roof in your apt building in NYC is the coolest thing on the planet. Period.