So the rest of NYC was wonderful, as always! Lets see... I left off on saturday with seeing Betcina! Well there is so much to tell! Sunday I went back down to times square and went to a matinee of Chicago! It was so much fun! I had never been to a play alone so another first for me. I got really excited when I sat down and read the Playbill. The woman that played ¨Mama¨ (Queen Latifa´s caracter in the movie) was Carol Woods, the woman who sings ¨let it be¨in Across the Universe, aka my favorite redo of any Beatles song! So I was so pumped, and the lawer (Richard Geer´s character) was John O´Hurley (Elaine´s boss on Seinfeld). It was a really great show, but mama and the guy who played Roxy´s husband stole the show! After the play I walked slowly through central park, stopped in sheeps meadow, which is a really cool field in lower central park with an awesome veiw of the city. I finished Hunger Games which everyone should read, but don´t tell me what happens in the second and third ones because I can´t read them until I get home. Then I got a call from Lauren, Trisha´s roommate about going out with her to her friends birthday party in Broklynn. I walked through central park all the way home (over 40 blocks mind you) ate left overs and hung out till Lauren got there and we headed off to subway to Broklynn. The party was on top ofLaurens friends rooftop and it was ridiculous. You could see the entire NYC skyline! It was beautiful. Well we had issues on the subway ride home so Trisha´s flight actually got in before we did. So she was asleep when I got back (she had work in the morning) so I slept in!
Monday, I got up late, ran a couple errands (post office, calling parents, phone, bank, ect.) then wandered around Central park again over to the west side where I then went into the National History Mueseum! Really cool but unfortunatly they close at five so I only had a few hours. I may have stopped for rays pizza on the way.... But it was awesome! I hit my favorite parts, Space, Dinosaurs, and Marine life! Bam great day! Well then I rode into Grand Central Station because it was near Trisha´s work and I could just meet her as soon as she got off. I people watched and explored and was very entertained (at 6 pm its packed) and then started walking towards her work. Well Trisha got off we went and grabbed dollar beer at a bar close by and started the constant talking to try and catch up! Then we bused over to the west side and grabbed dinner at Shake shack (delicious burgers) and headed off to Lalo´s per Mom and Dads request. It was delicious! We loved it. Then we headed home to sit on the roof and continue talking till late into the night.
Tuesday we were off not too early for a run around the reserves in Central Park. Man do I wish I had my camera! It was beautiful, and also hot, but seriously saw so many buildings over the trees and water it was the coolest thing. Then Trisha and I were off to explore the city. We hit up near times square to grab lunch at some sandwich place, it was pretty delicous, then we went to FAO Swuartz and played around like kids. Wicked has a raffle and they give away 26 tickets to every show 2 hours before. So we both put our names down for two and 30 minutes later out of the 120 people or so there our names were not called...We were sad but we ran over to ¨promises promises¨ to try and get tickets. The play looked really good, it had Sean Hayes (Jack from Will and Grace) and Kristen Chinowitz (original glinda in Wicked who I love and was in Pushing Up Daisies)! Luckily they still had tickets and so we were set. In the short time we had before the show... we went to Little Brazil! which I didn´t even know exsisted until Betcina informed me! We had pastels and a chipriana! I was sooo happy (though it was not nearly as good as Casa do Pastel). Then we went back for the play and loved it! It was funny, witty, and we were talking about it long after! Then we had to rush home because all day we were getting a skype DPT going (dance party tuesday) like the old days... So Patrick and Erin were together in Denver, Trisha and I in NYC, and poor little Daniel in Portland by himself... or well with his dinosaur ha ha. So we skyped each other and caught up and did a little dancing! It was fantastic!
Wednesday I got up with trisha said goodbye and headed to the laudramat to do my laundry. That was an adventure in itself! Then I had one last hamburger and hoped on the subway for the airport. Made my last few phonecalls to friends and three to my mother to reassure her I would call while in Europe, and then I was off for my next grand adventure!
The play sounds great! Glad you made it to Cafe Lalos & enjoyed it, wondered if you remember when we took you there many yrs. ago? I bet you were better behaved this time....